

  • Day 01 | Antananarivo - Antsirabe | Hotel Voyageur
  • Day 02 | Antsirabe - Miandrivazo | Hotel Princesse Tsiribihina
  • Day 03 | Miandrivazo - Morondava | Hotel Laguna Beach
  • Day 04 | Morondava - Bekopaka | Hotel Orchidée
  • Day 05 | Bekopaka | Hotel Orchidée
  • Day 06 | Bekopaka - Morondava | Hotel Laguna Beach
  • Day 07 | Morondava - Manja | Hotel KANTO
  • Day 08 | Manja - Ifaty | Hotel Bamboo
  • Day 09 | Ifaty | Hotel Bamboo
  • Day 10 | Ifaty - Toliara - Ranohira | Hotel H1
  • Day 11 | Isalo | Hotel H1
  • Day 12 | Ranohira - ANJA - Ranomafana | Hotel Thermal
  • Day 13 | Ranomafana - Ambositra | Hotel Artisan
  • Day 14 | Antsirabe - Antananarivo | Hotel NOT INCLUDED


This tour is a connection of two iteneraries : visit of the tsingy of Bemaraha and the alley of baobab before traveling step by step along the the RN7 from Toliara to Antananarivo. This is two-in-one package connected by two days straight drive from Morondava to Manja and Toliara. This time, you will take the internal road instead of the coastal road. Otherwise say, you will drive from Morondava, Befasy, Manja on day 07 and Manja, Bevoay and Ifaty through the national road RN9 on day 08. You will have one day beach time relax in Ifaty. Check the west and south by beach if you want to visit Morombe, Andavadoaka, Ambatomilo, and Salary Bay but no Ranomafana.
=> This is a Midrange Proposal. Let us know your Budget if you are looking for an Economy Madagascar Travel Offer
=> Visit our blog sobehatour.com
=> Contact us if you are looking for a customized Madagascar tailormade tour


Day 01 Antananarivo - Antsirabe

After a brieffing at the hotel and check out, you start to drive along the RN7. Crossing typical landscape of the central highlands, you drive along a sinuous road and terrace rice fields. Coming closer to Antsirabe, various fresh products from the fields are displayed along the road. Many families in the highlands are celebrating a famadihana in winter time around August. This is a traditional bone turning ceremony. They take the silk-coffin out of the tomb, and then celebrate by carrying the dead along the road while singing and dancing. It is a big day for the entire large family. Arrival to Antsirabe after four hours drive. Check-in to the hotel. In afternoon, you will have a city tour in Antsirabe. It is the third biggest city in Madagascar. With its fresh air and cool climate all year round, Antsirabe is the favourite place of european people living in Madagascar from colonisation time. We take a tour around the city to visit the local craftsmen, famous for making tiny bikes and cars with recycled material, and working with zebu horn. Tour of the city. Night at hotel Voyageur

Day 02 Antsirabe - Miandrivazo

On the road to Miandrivazo, you will visit the lake Tritriva. Located in the southwest of Antsirabe, Tritriva is a a bold aquamarine blue crater lake where the legend talk about tragic love stories long time ago. On the way back from the lake tritriva, you can stop at the lake Andraikiba to visit the market of precious stones for a while before heading to the west coast. Back to the road, you follow during a short time the large valley of the Vakinankaratra until Betafo and Mandoto. After a few more 200 kilometers, you reach Miandrivazo. Welcome to the region of Menabe. Night at hotel Princesse Tsiribihina

Day 03 Miandrivazo - Morondava

Miandrivazo lives from the production of tobacco, peanuts, beans, and raising pigs and cows. Few years ago, the expedition along the Tsiribihina river started from there. Now, the river is less deeper and the expedition start from Masiakampy which is about 50Km from Miandrivazo. As you travel by car, you will drive to Morondava and start to see baobab trees after five hours drive. Check in at the hotel in Morondava. In afternoon, you can go to the alley of baobab until the sunset. Night at hotel Laguna Beach

Day 04 Morondava - Bekopaka

After breakfast, you leave Morondava to the Tsingy of Bemaraha National park. All along this road, you will see baobab trees, oxcart wagon, and colorful local market. On the way you can obviously discover some Sakalava tribe tombs because of their size and their unusual paints decorations. You drive offroad for three hours to ‘Tsimafana’. From there, you cross the Tsiribihina river by ferry for more than thirty minutes. On the other side of the river, you arrive to Belo sur Tsiribihina where you will have a lunch (on your expense). After the break for lunch, you drive again to Bekopaka. For information, Bekopaka, is the village with hotels next to the Tsingy of Bemaraha. This second section of road last for three to four hours. You will travel with greating of kids dancing along the street and ask for candies . Arrival to the second Manambolo river before the sunset. Night at hotel Orchidée

Day 05 Bekopaka

This day is dedicated to the visit of « big tsingy of Bemaraha » : Departure from the hotel as early as possible after breakfast. You will meet the local guide and take the harness at the office of the guide. Drive pas the village of Bekopaka and continue for one hour for seventeen kilometers to arrive to the parking of big Tsingy. Young people looking for adventure can start with broadway circuit before the andamozavaky trail. The big tsingy is a trekking through « moon like » sceneries unique to Madagascar. A vast forest of sharp eroded karts’ pinnacles of 60 meters high. On these fragment of rocks you may see lemurs. The vegetation in the canyons is exceptional, a wonder of nature. Visitors can explore the Tsingy safely through boardwalks, cable ropes, steps, steel ladders or hanging bridges. Depending to your fitness, the visit can last till more than 5 hours consisting of trekkings and impressive trails. Not for claustrophobia and people having vertigo. Night at hotel Orchidée Drive back to the hotel and relax or visit of small tsingy for the rest of the day. Night at hotel Orchidée

Day 06 Bekopaka - Morondava

After breakfast you leave Bekopaka for the road back to Morondava. Lunch time in Belo sur Tsiribihina (on your charge) before crossing the river by ferry-boat. Continuation toward Morondava. Later you make a halt to see the impressive “baobab in love” and the famous Baobabs Alley, the most photographed site in Madagascar; these majestic baobabs (Grandidier) offers a natural special landscape at sunset. Night at Hotel Laguna Beach

Day 07 Morondava - Manja

Departure from Morondava in the morning after breakfast. Drive past the river Kabatomena and you cross the village of Befasy. The dry forest is full of baobab. Afternoon at the village of Manja. You can walk around the village or sit and drink beer with « brochette » on the « terrasse » of Hotel Kanto to observe the local life and habits. Night at hotel Kanto.

Day 08 Manja - Ifaty

Last day offroad : departure from Manja early in the morning after breakfast, you drive through savanna and old national road until Mangoky river. After the sandy road of Bevoay, you drive along the RN9 to Toliara. You canstop according to your interest along the road. Visit of Spiny forest Reniala in Ifaty before check-in at the hotel. Night at Hotel Bamboo

Day 09 Ifaty

Commonly called as Ifaty, the village of Mangily is a popular place and the nearest nicest beach accessible by car from Toliara. Following activities are recommended among all others for your beach time in Ifaty :
- Marine activities: snorkelling, diving, and boat excursion for whale watching depending to the season
- beach time relax and swim : the beach of Mangily is protected by coral reef. It’s a nice place to swim on high tide - Sailing pirogue experience : you can go to Ifaty with sailing pirogue to live local experience
Night at hotel Bamboo

Day 10 Ifaty - Toliara - Ranohira

Head to Ranohira in morning, visit of Toliara city and market of sea-shell. Drive through desert landscape where thorny plants emerge. Arrival to the territory of Mahafaly tribe with some typical Mahafaly tombs with Aloalo”. Drive accross Sakaraha and Ilakaka known by gems dealers. Ilakaka was an old village in 90’s and it has become bigger after they have found saphire in there. This is the biggest city sapphire of Madagascar. Night at hotel H1

Day 11 Isalo

After breakfast, you drive to Isalo National Park, park the car and start to hike. You can choose your itinerary according to the brieffing with the local guide for a beautiful day of hiking, discovering the Isalo National Park, between deep canyons, plateaux, natural swimming pools. Isalo National Park was created in 1962. It is large of 100 km from North to South and unique in Madagascar thanks to its geological formation, dating from the Jurassic period. You can also find there an exceptionally rich fauna including natives rock reptiles. You will be able to spot endemic species of lemurs, birds, reptiles, plants and butterflies. The main ethnic group in this region is the Bara, living essentially of farming zebus and agriculture. Considered as descendent of the Bantu, the Bara are livestock breeders but also fierce warriors, proud and ready to give up their life to defend their freedom. Night at hotel H1

Day 12 Ranohira - ANJA – Ranomafana

On the road again ! You will discover different panorama of the RN7. Stop at Anja reserve : a forest of ficus, lianas and orchids developed in between a spectacular rock forming caves used as shelter by animals. In this lush green paradise live in small colonies the ringtailed lemurs, the symbol of Madagascar. They are easy to find and to make close-up photo as they spend a lot of time on the ground, on the rocks and on trees. The profit of Anja's reserve are managed by the AMI (Anja Miray) organization, and are donated to finance social and economical projects, which purposes are to improve crop yield, crafts development, health and education towards the villagers. A short visit of paper Antaimoro working place, and handmade silk working place. Continuation to Ranomafana. Night at hotel Thermal

Day 13 Ranomafana - Ambositra

Visit Ranomafana national park : after breakfast, you drive to the entrance of the national park and will start your daytime visit to this beautiful humid tropical forest. In this misty rainforest, covering elevations of 500–1,500 metres, numerous endangered lemur species can be found here, including the Milne-Edwards’ sifaka, different species of bamboo lemurs and black-and-white ruffed lemurs. A variety of other animals also exist in this cloud forest, such as satanic leaf-tailed geckos, elusive ground rollers and streaked tenrecs. Departure to Ambositra after the visit. Visit of handicraft market at Ambositra. Night at hotel Artisan.

Day 14 Ambositra - Antananarivo

Last day along the RN7 : drive from Ambositra to the capital of Madagascar. Stop according to the interest. You can stop at the local market along the road if you want to buy souvenirs. Our drive can drop you off at the hotel of your choice (on your expense) or at the airport. END OF OUR SERVICE

Important Notice :

- This is a midrange proposal or ADVANCED. Let us know your Budget and we will design a customized tour especially for you
- Price is per person sharing room as double occupancy. Departure is guarantee for 02 persons. Contact us for Single Price
- Are included into the price: 4X4, fuel, Driver Speaking Basic French and English, ferry and toll, all listed activities (entrance and guide of park, night walk), your hotel and breakfast,
- Are NOT included: Tour Guide Speaking Good English, all food, lunch, diner, picnic, beverage and alcohol, additional activities, tips
- Please to specify if you need an AC car while booking otherwise you may have no-AC car
- Payment modality: bank transfer or VISA/Master Card or CASH on arrival. We accept USD and Euro with exchange rate online.
- Contact us for further detail. You can ask for tailor made tour according to your length of stay, your wish-to-see-list, your category of hotel, and your budget